At eight years of age I caught my first shark. I remember it like it was yesterday. After that, I was hooked!
Throughout high school, my summers were spent as a mate on my uncle’s charter boat. As soon as I graduated high school, I took my U.S. Coast Guard exam and have been guiding ever since.
My first fifteen years were spent guiding off shore, catching tuna, marlin, and sharks. As the fishery changed, so did my boat and my fishing spots. Now my days and nights are spent floating just outside the surf line, in what I call “surf fishing from the other side.” I still enjoy cruises to deep water for off-shore adventures. I enjoy sharing my techniques and my boat with people interested in the outdoors and I am sure you will have a great time fishing!
Over the years I have won dozens of tournaments and have been the subject of numerous newspaper and magazines articles, as well as appearing in television and outdoor shows. I have been guiding for over forty years.
Life Off of the Water…
During the off-water season, I am a professional taxidermist. I have mounted fish and game from armadillos to zebras. I also hold a federal permit allowing me to mount birds of prey and protected species for Brown University, the Department of the Interior and the Audubon Society..
I am involved in fishing year round, including volunteering as a tagger for National Marine Fisheries.
I try to give back to the outdoors in other ways, too. I make appearances at fishing shows, seminars, and clubs, and visit Boy Scout troops and schools. I perform work for U.S. Fish and Wildlife, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, the National Zoological Society and the State of Rhode Island.